In a typical semester, as final critiques approach, the walls in our hallways and classrooms fill with student work for all to see and appreciate. This year, with classes held primarily online and no one visiting the building, we instead showcase the work on these virtual walls.
This virtual gallery presents images made by more than 100 students for their final projects, from 11 sections of six Photo + Media classes, from introductory to advanced and across two campuses.
Final projects challenge students to develop their individual ideas over time with supportive group critiques with their peers. Images in this showcase were chosen by classmates and faculty. Join us as we heartily congratulate all our students for their accomplishments in a difficult year and celebrate their work.
Instructional Assistant Cristin Hand organized the collection of work and Sumeyye Gunbayli designed and built the virtual gallery.
We wish to thank Lab Manager Bob Laubach, Instructional Assistant Michelle Wittcoff, Cristin, and Sumi, and all the classroom volunteers who each provided invaluable support to faculty in each class: Julie Gilmore, Kate Ingrahm, Elizabeth Noguchi, Marina Pavicevic, Will Reintzell, Mark Roth, Zalina Zangieva
PHT 235