All Are Welcome
Exhibition on view from February 14-25th, 2022 in the AFA Gallery. Gallery Doors open Monday through Thursday 12 pm to 10 pm.
Welcome to the 2022 Alexandria Photography + Media juried student show.
We are very pleased to announce the return of our annual juried student show to the AFA gallery this year. Any student enrolled in a PHT class at Alexandria during the past year was eligible to each enter up to four works, which were selected by an outside juror who also chose certain students to receive cash awards in recognition of their overall achievement.
We wish to thank all of our students who submitted work this year. The submission process was digital, but many students were able to make prints for the gallery. This year 32 students submitted 94 digital files, from which the juror selected 51 pieces: 34 prints, one video, one book, and 15 digital images that are in a slideshow.
We also wish to thank our juror this year Jenee Mateer, Chair, Department of Art + Design, Art History, Art Education.
The 2022 Student Show was organized by Aya Takashima, Cristin Hand, Bob Laubach, and Page Carr. We wish to thank Annette Haggray, Alexandria Provost; David Epstein, College Dean / NOVAarts; Jimmie McClellan, LASS Dean at Alexandria; and Jeremy Hodgson, Interim Associate Dean; for their ongoing support.